5 Apps That Make You Money As A Contractor


Video Description

As a business owner, you’re always looking for new ways to streamline communication and organization. Today, we’re here to tell you about 5 apps that can help speed the process along.

Introducing THE BLUEPRINT. An all inclusive online marketing course that’ll teach you everything you need to know to run successful marketing campaigns.

Launching this November for just $149/month, you’ll know how to set up your website to sell for you, boost Facebook posts, set up Google ads, and SOOOO much more!

Head over to: contractorgrowthnetwork.com put your name and email in the boxes provided and we’ll put you on a waiting list that way you’re good to go when the program launches!

BUT WAIT! If you sign up before November 1st, you’ll get the Contractor Growth Network: The Blueprint program for just $79/month! That’s a $70 coupon just for signing up early. (Yeah we know it’s a pretty sweet deal)

5 Apps To Streamline Communication:

0:00 Why You Need Consistency
2:15 Basecamp
4:00 Google Drive
5:20 Canva
8:00 Drip
9:59 Unbounce

Use these 5 tools and we guarantee you’ll be better organized and prepared next time you try to sell.

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#ContractorGrowthNetwork #StreamlineCommunication #TechApps

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