How To Fight Off Laziness (5 Ways) | Contractor Growth Network


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5 ways of fighting off laziness at work. We at the Contractor Growth Network are just like you. We struggle with mid-day lull’s just like you.

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1. 2:45 – Record a video about your favorite topic.
2. 5:31 – Call a favorite customer.
3. 8:51 – Reverse engineer a To-do.
4. 12:12 – Take a coffee nap.
5. 15:22 – 5..4..3..2..1

Contractor Growth Network Podcast:

Record a video about your favorite topic. Everybody has that one thing they can absolutely talk your ear off about. It goes with the old adage of it’s not working when you’re doing something you love. When you’re tired you don’t want to record a video about the roof you just installed, so just talk about something you do love!

2. Call your favorite customer. When’s the last time your marketing agency called you to “catch up”? Probably never, but that’s the Full Sail Marketing difference. It’s also a great way to put the energy back in your day. Have a conversation with the customer that made work seem like the playground again, it’ll make you feel better and grow client relationships.

3. Reverse engineer a to-do. Your day is filled with a list of things that NEED to get done. Thinking too far ahead and over thinking about how bad you don’t want to do it will make you not do it. Take it one task at a time and knock out all your to-do’s.

4. Take a coffee nap. Nap? In the middle of a work day? You’re crazy! No we’re serious. Get a cup of coffee, sit in your air conditioned truck and close your eyes. In 20 minutes, the coffee will hit and you’ll wake up energized and ready to go.


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