Video Description
Growing a successful tradie business requires that you have solid trade employees. Your trade staff needs to be in tune and working towards the same goal as you. But what happens when your team doesn’t show up the way you need them to? Today’s video is about how you can solve the problem of employee absenteeism, and how you can handle employees taking times off from your business.
As a tradie business owner, you must have hired multiple employees for your team and have been optimistic about their suitability and potential to help your company grow. And they may indeed be the right employees.
But the truth is that employees are humans and are prone to errors like absenteeism, or might just simply need breaks from work. For a multitude of reasons, employees take time off work. Whether it’s from illness, bereavement or family responsibility – they will need time off work.
So, you can almost count on the fact that somewhere, somehow, you will be faced with gaps in your operations resulting from trade staff or employee absenteeism.
What do you do with those attendance gaps with your trade employees? Stay tuned to see how you can solve the gaps in your tradie company’s operations caused by employee absenteeism.