How to Calculate Your Breakeven Point | TCF834


Video Description

On today's podcast, we will be discussing a crucial topic for contractors – your break-even point. Many misunderstand this concept. They believe that the break-even point only includes overhead costs, but that is not true.

Think of the break-even point as a small boat on the ocean, gently bobbing up and down. This is the point where all of your costs are covered, and there is no net profit or loss.

To calculate your break even point you just need to divide your monthly overhead by your average gross profit percentage. The beauty of this method is that if you strive for higher gross profit percentages, your break-even point will drop significantly. So, whether you're earning $20,000 or more per month, understanding your break-even point is a game-changer. It's all about keeping your boat afloat.

You didn't become a contractor to struggle financially. Download our worksheet and start calculating a 50% gross profit on every job. It's time to get your crap together!

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Tom Reber is an entrepreneur, business coach, podcaster, leader of The Contractor Fight, creator of Contractor Fight TV and HGTV host. Tom's content has helped hundreds of thousands of home improvement contractors improve their lives and businesses.

The Contractor Fight is the ultimate resource for becoming an uncommon contractor!
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