Custom Home Builder Achieves $10m Revenue at 25% Profit


Video Description

Before Ryan found APB, the years leading up to that were quite a struggle for his building company…

He was working a lot, not really making any money, and didn’t know where he was going… He actually thought about throwing in the towel all together.

Now Ryan's business builds 25 custom houses per year, and their business is growing daily.

"The biggest thing that I need to talk about that's changed the way that I run and see the business is the introduction of the WIPAA calculator.

As a building company, we take a lot of money and we hold a lot of money that's not ours at points of time. So what that does, is it over inflates your profit.

So if you're looking at your profit and loss statement, it'll look like you've made money, and you'll pay tax on that money, but you actually haven't made the money. So that's been the biggest transformation from working with my coaches. (WIPAA calculation)

We used to apply a 20% markup to our jobs, but now we markup by 30%, giving us the net profit that we need to be sustainable.

The thing I love most about being a part of the Association of Professional Builders, is that they are like family to me.

Anyone that is in business, knows it can be a lonely place. No one sees the behind the scenes… but these guys do."

Learn more about the tools and systems that lead to Ryan's success by watching the APB Demo below:

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