How A Builder Increased His Revenue 30% And Doubled His Profit


Video Description

“Imagine a coaching team that deals with every builder in the world, and then is sharing that knowledge with you. There is your APB value if you ask me.”

When Felipe first joined the APB, he was torn between fixed price and cost plus contracts, leaving him with an abundance of work, but very little profit at the end.

Due to all the cost plus contracts, he had some clients far too involved in the build process, slowing him down and eating into his bottom line.

It left him stressed and overworked, spending far more time working in his business, than working on his business.

“When you join APB, they give you access to their platform, and you can go through their videos and see everything that you need. But joining a Business Coaching session is three times the value then just watching the videos.”

Since joining the APB, Felipe has progressed into Business Coaching, and works with our executive business coach Clint Best to reshape the way his business operates.

Now, his marketing is flawless, his online presence has improved, his revenue has gone up by 30%, and most importantly, his profits have doubled.

“We were always good with construction, but the whole background of the business side of things was a blind spot to us, until we started working with APB and Clint, our Business Coach.”

Learn more about the tools and systems that lead to Felipe’s success by watching the APB Demo below:

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