How A Builder Went From Inconsistent Sales To Being Booked Out For 12 Months


Video Description

“Through APB, we now have written, step by step repeatable systems, so that staff can do their jobs whether I’m here, or wherever I want to be.”

Rocky has been building new custom homes for more than 20 years, with well over 500 homes built in Morgantown, West Virginia and the surrounding areas.

For years, Rocky’s business partner would tell him that a lot of the inconsistencies in their building company’s sales came down to them not having a properly written, and structured sales process.

They would have months of two or three sales, followed by a couple of months of zero sales.

Since joining APB in 2019, Rocky and his team have implemented construction slots into their sales process and created written, repeatable systems that have vastly improved their efficiency.

“Construction slots show our customers what they need to do if they’d like to build with us, and helps us hold their hand throughout the entire process. It shows you how much money you’re going to have by month, quarter and year.

That’s what APB does, it builds credibility and it builds trust. I’ve recommended them to two builders in our market because we are professionals and we deserve to be treated and respected like professionals.”

Learn more about the tools and systems that lead to Rocky’s success by watching the APB Demo below:

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